JH Mechanical & Electrical Services Ltd., uses the following documents to support our business:

General Statement of Intent


JH Mechanical and Electrical Services Limited (the Company) considers successful, health, safety, and environmental management to be of prime importance to its business.

To achieve this, we will:

• Conduct our activities to minimise, so far as is reasonably practicable, the risk to the health and safety, of our employees, visitors, customers, members of the public and contractors, and our impact on the environment, in compliance with legislation and good practice.

• Establish levels of welfare for our employees, visitors, customers, and contractors, also in compliance with legislation and good practice.

• Ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, all products are stored in such a way as to minimise the risks to health and safety of employees, contractors, and customers, and to reduce their impact on the environment.

• Commit to continual improvement in all aspects of health, safety and environmental management including planning, review and development of the health, safety, and environmental policies.

• Provide sufficient financial and other resources for the proper implementation of this policy.

• Provide relevant health, safety, and environmental training for employees.

• Motivate and expect our employees to work in a manner which promotes high standards of health, safety, and environmental performance, including the right to challenge non-compliant practices and to stop work where they feel there is a significant uncontrolled risk to their well-being or the environment.

• Monitor health, safety and environmental performance and report openly on progress.

• The Managing Director will ensure that this policy is carried out in full.

This Statement of Intent is reviewed every year.

John Heward, Managing Director, 29/5/24

The company recognises our key impacts to be in the following areas:

  • energy use
  • raw material use
  • water use
  • waste generation
  • emissions to air/water

We will strive to:

  • Adopt the good environmental practice in all areas of the company, meeting and exceeding all relevant legislative requirements.
  • Assess our organisational activities and identify areas where we can minimise impacts (i.e.: through management meetings and consultation with operatives).
  • Minimise waste through careful and efficient use of all materials and energy (i.e.: where relevant, recycle materials from decommissioned equipment through a licensed waste handler).
  • Purchase sustainable products wherever feasible (e.g., recycled, FSC or low environmental impact products and energy from renewable sources).
  • Publicise our environmental position on our website – www.jh-me.co.uk .
  • Annually train employees in good environmental practice and encourage employee involvement in environmental action by embedding our Environmental Policy into our employee handbook and general working practices.
  • Adopt an environmentally sound transport strategy (i.e., where practicable, use one vehicle for sites which require multiple operatives).
  • Aim to include environmental and ethical considerations in investment decisions where appropriate (i.e.: wherever feasible, energy efficient and low carbon products favored over alternative products to improve energy efficiency in buildings).
  • To uphold the code of practice set out to meet the waste duty of care requirements issued under section 34(7) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (the EPA) in
    relation to the duty of care set out in Section 34(1) of that Act.
  • Assist in developing solutions to environmental problems and continually assess the environmental impact of all our operations.

The Managing Director will ensure that this policy is carried out in full.

This Statement of Intent is reviewed every year.

John Heward, Managing Director, 29/5/24